Thursday, February 08, 2007

A new obsession

In the not so distant I thought of fly fishing as a rich guy Martin Mull type sport. More specifically Martin Mull, after researching the connection there really is none.
Although if you look at this picture of him it's almost like he is saying "Fly fishing is not hard give it a try and in my opinion smoking is enjoyable" Martin I agree on both counts.
But still the thought of it conjured khaki , and starbucks mixed with 7 bedroom brick tudor, " my son is captain of the lacrosse team" affair.
The reality is there was an intimidation factor and my way to deal with it was to dismiss the whole thing as a classist war in my head. Rather silly really.
I think what got me over it was buying a starter kit for my father-in-law as a Christmas present. This was easy I thought it's not hard I didn't have to show my tax return to buy this. Anyone can fly fish if they want to. So began my new obsession.
I read books, the first being "At the grave of the unknown fisherman" by John Gierach. Great writing and he approaches it like a vagabond, a guy who can't get enough time on the river and subtlety struggles with knowing there will never be enough. But it isn't a book about casting or techniques or what flys to use. Although actual fishing makes up a large part of the subject mater, it's filled with a reckless beauty, respect and appreciation of experiences. I felt less intimidated and more interested.
There were other books that followed but were mostly technique and casting style books and they were all very helpful. Also research online has answered most of of my questions.
I have my fly rod my waders and am ready to get out on the river. If I run into Martin Mull I'll ask him to explain Fernwood 2Nite and see if he needs a light.


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